To the Editor:

Before Covid, The Table held two clothing giveaways a year in Spring and in Fall at the Norway Grange. We have been doing these for more than a decade, but it is not possible to have over 300 people come through right now. We continued receiving donated clothes and have looked for a way to safely distribute them to those in need.

At least for the month of May, The Table will hold a free giveaway of clothing every Saturday between 10 and 2 p.m. featuring a different selection each week. I have attached our schedule for May. We will decide on June based on how things go this month.

The Table is located at 160 Main Street in Norway across from Stephens newest building. Because of CDC guidelines, we will be limiting the number of people in the building at any time. Staff will be on hand to help customers find specific clothing to aid in an efficient flow through the building. Customers will be required to wear a mask, answer COVID-19 symptoms questions and give their name and phone number for contact tracing.

We are notifying you, since you are likely to come in contact with and be aware of those who might be in need. We will always be available for emergency needs. For more information you may email A-J Alexander, Director, at putting the Table in the memo line or by text at 207-461-3093. You can always visit The Table on our Face Book page.

We thank you for your support with our efforts to meet the needs of those most vulnerable in our community,

Karen Turino

The Table

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