Well here it is 5:30 in the morning.  I have my music cranked up high. These ole bones of mine just want to get up and do the moves. It could be Shania or Olivia. Maybe a bit of The Celtic ladies, but the music does indeed make the bones move. I don’t think there are many folks that would appreciate my sitting here putting words down and listening to the tunes this time of day.  As each song plays, I take a step or two back over my time line.

I step back into the 60’s when I was much younger. There were questions and many avenues open to most young people in those days. I gave it a try working my way up the ladder of the big companies. But I soon found out that folks just could not admit when things were not right. They danced around a lot of problems. I was a young man from the country and I had learned to fix what was wrong. I had learned from my elders to fix it right, fix it once that way. As the wild youngster, I had learned to admit when I failed and move on. Many times, I needed a big push to get me moving, but I did move.

Then came the 70’s. I could have surely been tagged as a long haired hippie. Ya there was the bell bottoms and the wild cars. But I found myself still looking for me. I did discover that I was not a desk type person. I was a “go out and get my hands dirty” type of person. Being a construction foreman taught me a few things about myself. I just had to be outside with the sun shining on my back. When the rain and snow came, I could just bend like the willow and accept what the day brought. There was very little need to orchestrate each day of the week. Just let life flow and enjoy. Boy, I surely did enjoy some of those weekends. But more than once, I paid Monday for my weekend actions. I  did not like those weekend after headaches. So that type of life was not for me.

But the outside air kept on beckoning to me. It was that farm boy spirit that wanted to come out. Then time started slipping by too fast for me. I soon lost myself again. Life demanded certain obligations of me. Others had to be fed and kept warm. Food and shelter were the prime objectives. What I desired was to be the last on the list. It was more important to make sure others were warm and healthy. I find I have always done things for others and put myself last.

Now I need to rediscover just who I am. I know what makes me smile. I know the music that pushes me to just dance and enjoy. But more than that, I know what I do not like. Those things are what I try to avoid. To sit here and watch the young fawns jump and twist in their dance of life is awesome. The sad part is I watch it alone, but that is close to what I am. It is not sad that I am alone, but sad I am the only one watching this. I have flowers that are beautiful. I do pick some and give them away to almost anyone. Only because I want others to enjoy what I see.

People in this world are in too much of a hurry to fill their bank account and checkbook.  Big businesses do all they can to encourage young people to build up their credit. Then when you have good credit, buy more, and go deeper into debt. My wallet dictates what I can and can not buy. This is again that young boy that was brought up on the farm.

I am close to finding who the real me is. That dirty faced boy running through the mud and just enjoying what the day brings. Ya, my fingernails get dirty, my pants get stained and ripped but that does not matter. What matters is the body and soul move in unison when the music plays. So folks, take the time to listen to yourself. Do not lose track of just who the real you wants to be. Look for the beauty and let your soul dance when it feels the tunes.

So when you can folks, Dance, let the body and soul dance.      Ken White   mountainman

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