Nina DiGregorio of the Femmes of Rock Contributed photo

Waterville Opera House will present the Femmes of Rock at 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 27, at The Waterville Opera House, 1 Common St., in Waterville.

Femmes of Rock, led by rock violinist and arranger, Nina DiGregorio, has rocked audiences worldwide with their blistering solos, unique arrangements, not to mention their beauty and charm.

Their concerts feature the music of AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Metallica, David Bowie, Pink Floyd, and more. The girls have performed with some of the biggest names in the business: Beyonce, Rod Stewart, Shakira, Ricky Martin, Deep Purple, Cheap Trick, Earth Wind & Fire, The Killers, and many more.

Tickets cost $43-$53.

For tickets or more information, visit

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