Omicron, a variant of the coronavirus or COVID-19, has been in the news a lot the past two weeks. That is because it is spreading around the world, much like the Delta variant has done.

But what exactly is a variant? It is a slightly different version of the same virus. Viruses are continuously making copies of themselves. But sometimes the copy is not exactly the same. This is called a mutation. A mutation in the structure of the virus can change the way a virus behaves. Changes might include how fast the virus spreads, how easily you can catch it, how sick it might make you and how well the vaccines work against it.

Omicron and Delta are variants or mutations of the original coronavirus we call COVID-19.

So what should we do? How do we stop it?

They key to that is to follow public health advice. Doctors and scientists are constantly studying and researching how to stop COVID-19 and its variants. Their advice is to make sure you:

1.Wear a mask


2. Social distance (stay 6 feet away from other people.

3. Wash your hands after touching anything!

4. Get vaccinated!

Countries around the world are asking their people to wear masks and not gather in crowds. Some countries are closing their borders. This mean they are not letting people visit their country.

The United States is asking its people to get vaccinated.

Let’s work together to stop COVID-19!

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