Happy New Year!  Christmas has come and gone (except my Christmas will be next week!) for most folks. I’m at home this morning, with Sondra doing church from her house. As I write this, I’m enjoying a flavored coffee, with some fabulous cookies made by Kaitlin Brown. Kaitlin is the granddaughter of Cliff and Diane York. She delivered a variety of homemade cookies on Friday, and every one of them is delicious! The macaroons are my favorite. I’ve been the lucky recipient of several treats this Christmas. Santa even paid me a visit on Christmas Eve with some goodies! Thanks to Tom and Tammy Hoy for braving the icy driveway and spreading cheer!

It was a week of getting last-minute things, finishing the wrapping, and cleaning the house. I ventured out on Thursday with a trip to Ocean State Job Lots and Hannaford. I decided that the time had come to get grippers for my boots. With everything iced over, it’s treacherous outside. I don’t want to be a statistic and fall and possibly break a bone. I know too many folks that has happened to.

I got my last haircut at Jade’s Salon, which closed on Dec. 24. There are no plans to reopen yet, because they have no place to move into. Hopefully, that will work out. I have an extra short cut so that I can perhaps go a bit longer! I will miss going in for a cut and visiting with Debby and Jane.

As much as I didn’t like shopping last week, it was a treat to run into a couple of people who are near and dear to me, even though I rarely see them now. Courtney Blake was one, and we had a good visit while in line. Then I discovered that Terry Twitchell was in line too, so we chatted with our masks on and reminisced about the time that I filled in at the Universalist Church in South Paris. Terry was in the choir there, and he and two ladies comprised the choir.  Those three voices blended so well, it was a treat to hear them sing.

On Christmas morning I drove to my sister’s, where I had breakfast with her and Owen. Sarah and Colin also joined us (they brought their own vegan meal), and we had a wonderful couple of hours dining and visiting. The roads weren’t too great on the return trip, but there was no rush, so we all drove slowly and carefully and made it home safely. While at Susan’s, we enjoyed watching the variety of birds that came to her feeders. A pair of cardinals graced us with their presence, along with the regular winter birds, and a couple of different woodpeckers. I think it’s like watching fish—a calming thing. Currently, Rosa is right up at the window watching a group of finches at the feeders here. Susan and Owen gave me a great mandolin (kitchen, not musical), to take it easy on my arthritic hand. I also received a great shirt — a Life is Good shirt with a heron on the front, and it says, “The earth has music for those who listen” or something close to that. I love it.

The Prentice and Mills houses are now occupied. It’s nice to see lights on and activity. I’d like to welcome them to the hood, but maybe when walking conditions improve.


My favorite part of Christmas is just getting together with my family. It’s hard to wait another week to see my grandsons! It is a bit anticlimactic, but it’s all good. Today we’ll be going to my brother’s in Madison, New Hampshire. We have a tradition to go over there the day after Christmas for visiting and a meal. Their children and grandchildren will all be there. I have made vegan, gluten-free party mix for my brother. Only corn and rice Chex and nuts, but hey — it tastes good!

As we enter into another year of COVID, please be responsible and get vaccinated and boosted, and keep wearing those masks. I desperately want it all to end and am doing my part to stay safe and well.

Take care, everyone.

Email me: lstowell@roadrunner.com

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