The sophomores’ “long strange trip ahead” mural includes baby and early school pictures, speed bumps representing COVID, identifies Telstar Middle and High Schools, Region 9, and 4-H, as well as trips to MA, FL:, and Paris before graduation, college, and work, when students’ roads will diverge.

The freshman class mural depicts a winding road starting in 2019 and moving across the image and through the years to the right side, where a sign says ‘Next stop 2023’. In between, there are images representational of recent trends and pandemic buzz words, including TikTok, “murder hornets”, the California and Australia wildfires, and popular music and movies.

The junior class mural is designed to look like it’s a game of quests on Switch, including camping, canoeing, Zoom school from home during COVID, football, SATs, Winter Carnival, and graduation all leading up to the next future quest.

The senior mural has good old Telstar Sam sitting atop a Life (board game) spinner and follows a yellow brick path on the “Long strange trip it’s been” for them through 4-H, school dances, a trip to Washington, D.C., COVID, and a successful football season, all on the way to graduation in 2022.

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