The RSU 78 Board of Education met both in person and via Zoom on Tuesday, March 8, 2022.

Board Chair Mary Richards inquired about moving the April board meeting to Tuesday, April 5th at 6:00pm to accommodate various schedule changes. The motion was passed by unanimous vote. Kudos were extended to School Librarian Abby Thompson and her Library Notes newsletter. The newsletter is available via the school’s Facebook page and will soon be up on the school’s website. Teacher negotiations will be starting up soon.

Superintendent Georgia Campbell shared that the outdoor classroom is well on the way! Shawn Russell created a website showcasing the classroom construction. The video and many photos are available via the school’s website. A lot of work has been put into planning this classroom over the past years: Sonja Johnson, Nini Christiansen, Nels Christiansen, Jeff Larochelle, Sheila Raymond, and many community members. Superintendent Campbell also shared a written statement from School Nurse Lindsey Savage regarding changes in masking and testing protocols. Lastly, RLRS came in 4th place for WinterKids and won $2500. Funds will go towards outdoor learning or school nutrition.

Principal Seth Laliberte shared that the high school continues to work on the Program of Studies and will bring it to the board for board approval by May. Overall, the goal is to get more information on the website in regards to curriculum and the Maine Learning Results as this will increase transparency with parents and community. K-5 teachers are working on selecting a new reading program and will present that to the board as well. March 18th is a teacher workshop day and the day will be spent wrapping up the work done during the early release. Tuesdays, March 15: RLRS fun day at Saddleback Mountain. More details coming soon. Rangeley Health and Wellness and the mountain have partnered with RLRS to make this happen.

Student Representative Mya Laliberte (Class of ‘22) shared that winter sports season finished. Girls ski team placed 3rd in the Class B championships. Two RLRS boys raced and did well, though four are needed for a team. Girls basketball made it to the second game of the playoffs; boys made it to the first game. Girls basketball received the Southern Maine Sportsmanship Award. RLRS will field a high school softball team in the spring, but there was not enough interest for a baseball team.

Committee Reports were brief and included updates from Policy Committee and the policies to be reviewed that evening, Finance Committee has presented a final budget to the board, along with updates from Facilities Committee, Communications Committee and Curriculum Committees.


There were two resignations: Teena Gusler (Special Education) and Timothy Straub (High School English). There were two retirement announcements: Doris Mitchell (35 years of service, current 5th grade teacher) and Robin George (28 years of service, current middle school ELA teacher). Best wishes are extended to Ms Gusler, Mr Straub, Mrs Mitchell and Mrs George and many thank yous and deepest appreciation for your dedication to RLRS.

There were a number of action items presented to the Board. Superintendent Campbell gave a detailed presentation on the 2022-2023 RSU #78 Budget highlighting the various areas of the budget. The budget was approved by the Board of Education by unanimous vote and will be presented to the town and surrounding plantations in June. The 2022-2023 School Year Calendar was also presented for consideration. The vote was tabled until the April 5th meeting. Kate Philbrick (High School Spanish) and Sonja Johnson (Middle/High School Art) were granted permission to take Spanish III/IV and AP Art Students on an overnight trip to Boston, MA for the Frida Kahlo exhibit at the Lighthouse.

Multiple policies were presented to the board. Most had minor updates as recommended by MSMA.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:51pm. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 6:00pm at the Rangeley Lakes Regional School.

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