BETHEL — Are you a yard sale fanatic, or just love to find bargains? Come to Bethel anytime between August 2-8 to find that “perfect something” among the treasures for sale at this huge Rotary Club of Bethel event! Located on the lawn next to The Gem Theater on Cross St., Bethel, find 5 huge tents filled with furniture, outdoor recreation items, household wares, hardware, toys, and thousands of other miscellaneous items. There will be something for everyone and more! The hours of operation are from dawn to dusk each day, with the exception of the first day, Tuesday, August 2, when the sale begins at Noon.

As you peruse the treasures under and outside the tents, some items will be priced. Most items are not priced and the policy is to “take what you need, pay what you can!” What makes this YardSale different than other large yardsales in Maine and beyond is that all proceeds are invested right back into the needs of the Bethel area communities with the primary beneficiary being post-secondary scholarships for graduating high school seniors.

As a bonus, since Rotary does not sell clothing at our yard sale, the Telstar Northstar program is holding a clothing sale Thursday through Sunday, August 4-7 p.m., at the same site. These grade 7-12 students look forward to seeing anyone looking for bargain clothing at their tents!

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