Tisha Bremner of Inner Light Wellness plans to offer a free Fall Slow Flow Yoga program at 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Sept. 13, 20, 27; Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25; and Nov. 1.

The sessions will be held at Auburn Public Library, 49 Spring St. in Auburn. It also will be offered online via Zoom.

Participants can take some time to slow down and dive deeper into the poses, while gaining strength, flexibility and core balance. They can use the power of their breath to slowly move through the practice with intention and introspection in this vinyasa style class, according to a news release from the library.

This is a moderately challenging class where pose variations will be offered to help everyone find their unique level of success. Participants can use a yoga mat, a yoga block or two, and wear comfortable clothes that will allow movement.

To learn more about Bremner, visit innerlightwell.com.

To register, email dwallace@auburnpubliclibrary.org or call the Reference Desk at 207-333-6640, ext. 4. When registering, people should indicate their plan to attend in person or virtually. In person will take place in the Androscoggin Community Room.

For more information on these or other upcoming programs, visit auburnpubliclibrary.org, or call the Reference Desk.


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