LIVERMORE FALLS — On this chilly Sunday morn, at the Oct. 9 service of the First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls, people were anxious to move inside the First Baptist Church, out of the cool air into the warmth of the sanctuary. Pastor Russ moved among the congregation, greeting and welcoming all to the service. Maggie Houlihan played favorite hymns that set the tone for the service.

Welcome and announcements were made by Kay King-Watson to open the service. She led the congregation as they sang two Praise Songs: “I Will Lift High” and “Let the Redeemed”. After the singing, Pastor Russ Thayer gave the Call to Worship from Psalm 123. We moved on to Prayer Time, after which we sang the first Hymn: ‘Praise Him! Praise Him!”

The Sermon was based on Scripture from Ephesians 1: 3 – 14. Pastor Russ titled his sermon, “Work Out His Will”. The question is: What is God’s will for each one of us? Ephesians 1: 4 tells us that, before the world was created, God chose us to be holy and blameless in his sight. Also in Ephesians, He encourages us to believe in him, in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit.

He has a plan for us and has freely given us his grace and peace. In Jesus, God has given redemption for our sins. Do you know God’s plan for you? How will you know? Remember that God wants each of us to live a blameless and holy life. We need to listen to Him….not our will, but God’s will.

Our last Hymn was: “We Are So Blessed”, and after the Benediction, we sang: “Go Ye, Go Ye Into the World”. All are welcome to join our worship!

Announcements: 1. Pastor Russ has a podcast. Go to http:/, check on Podcast and choose the one you want. 2. Food Cupboard: This month, we are collecting gravy for the Thanksgiving Baskets. In November, we will collect Mac and Cheese. 3. Sunday School for all ages has begun: Adults meet at 9:45 and children meet during the Worship Service. 4. Weekly Bible Study meets in the Vestry each Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. 5. The Worship Team meets each Thursday at 1:00p.m. in the Sanctuary. 6. The next Soap ‘N More Store will take place on Saturday, October 22, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon. 7. Our next Hymnsing will be on Sunday, October 23, at 7 a.m.

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