First Universalist Church of West Paris is planning four services in November at the 208 Main St. church.

Worship services are held at 9 a.m. Sundays, with music by Tom Coolidge, followed with coffee hour, according to a news release by member Marta Clements. All are welcome.

• Nov. 6, “Of, By, and for All the People” led by the Rev. Fayre Stephenso.”

• Nov. 13, “Happiness in a Changing World” led by the Rev. Fred Jordan.

• Nov, 20, “Cultures of Reciprocity” led by Stephenson.

• Nov. 27, “Being Thankful,” led by the Worship Service Committee, there will be an opportunity during the service for the congregation to share thanks.

For more information, contact Clements at 207-674-2143 or, or Bob Clifford at 207-674-3442 or


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