The various articles below appeared in the November 1, 1896, edition of the RANGELEY LAKES. Enjoy this peek back in time and be sure to make some great Rangeley history of your own! Some items have been redacted for space reasons, otherwise all text reprinted just as it appeared in 1896. Contemporary commentary appears in parenthesis.

Garrett Hobart, who summered on Cupsuptic, was a “heartbeat away” from becoming President.

McKinley and Hobart Elected by An Overwhelming Vote!
The agony is over, and the Republican candidates have been elected. The different papers give results widely apart in totals; but all safely Republican. The Portland Argus heads its double columns with “Apparently McKinley,” and concedes his election later. The telephone would not work to Phillips Wednesday evening, and nothing later than the morning papers could be obtained.

(The above, even in 1896, smacks of media bias… “The agony is over…”, which I personally find interesting, in light of today’s brand of “journalism”. The article also shares some underlying Rangeley history. Garret Hobart was the 24th vice president of the United States, serving from 1897 until his death while in office in 1899. Hobart summered at his camp located at Eagle Point on Cupsuptic Lake! Senator Frye’s log camp, built prior to Hobart’s large summer home, is on a small rocky island just offshore and connected by a footbridge to Hobart’s. The entire complex is still known as “Hobart’s” and remains a shared private summer retreat by their descendants to this day. 
Theodore Roosevelt replaced Hobart as V.P. upon his death due to heart failure. “Teddy” would later ascend to the Presidency when McKinley was assassinated in Buffalo. Had Hobart lived, the “Summer White House” would have been right here in Rangeley).

(And below, a word from editor Harry P. Dill calling for the creation of a “Board of Trade”, the precursor to the Chamber Commerce of today).

That Same Old Tune
Now that the guides of this section have organized an Association, it would seem that the businessmen, and others, who have the interest of Rangeley at heart, should organize a Board of Trade. It is well known that Rangeley Lakes has advocated this move from the first. It has found the sentiment favorable, but so far no one has taken the initiatory steps to call a meeting. Rangeley has had a big boom from its natural attractions, but why not unite and push these attractions to more than double the number of visitors next season? Every dollar that is brought here benefits the place. The more dollars the greater the benefit. We have a combination, in lake and mountain scenery, unequalled in America; the pure air and water cannot be equalled elsewhere. The fishing and hunting are all that can be desired, yet there is one thing lacking, we want a live Board of Trade! See the towns and cities that have them and how they are being boomed…Rangeley wants to be shown in her best form at the coming Sportsmen’s Exposition. The Guide’s Association will look after that in a measure, but they need the aid and assistance of the businessmen, and this can best be obtained through a Board of Trade…why do you hesitate.

Guides Gossip
Ed. Grant has been waiting till after election before he took to the woods. He is loaded for bear.
Melvin Tibbetts is working on the extension of the Rangeley Lake House.
The Guides’ Association are to make one earnest effort to raise money to run the hatchery this winter, and since they are formed for that object, it will be safe to say that the hatchery will be run, and run as it should be, or the united guides will know the reason.


(Below, shares some sharp and well-deserved criticism for “canned hunts”, whereby wild game was captured alive and released elsewhere for quick dispatch by “sportsmen”.)

We notice that the atrocious and utterly defenseless extermination of bird and animal life politely known as a shooting match or side hunt is scheduled for Damariscotta, Skowhegan, South Norridgewock and one or two other places where the sportsmanlike instinct is utterly lacking. It might not be amiss while our legislature is dealing with fish and game matters in the coming winter that they take some steps looking into the prevention of these hunts. If the protests of real sportsmen and of humane people generally are not to be heeded and this outrageous business stopped, let the law take a hand. There is butchery enough in the Maine woods now, without organizing bands to promote it.

Lumbering Operations at Redington
The coming winter the Company (Brown Co.) will cut between eight and nine million (Board feet). This is less than the usual winter’s cut, but with what logs the Co. now has on hand it is thought it will keep the mill busy for the next year. (Also from) Sawdust City, (Redington). Wm. Lewis met with a serious injury in the woods recently. His kneecap was broken, and he was forced to quit work.
(That would do it for me! These guys were tough men!) 

(We will close with a recipe posted by Etta Dill in the section known as “A Cozy Corner for the Ladies”. I find that title quite discriminatory as I like to bake too and look forward to making this one! Are any of you other male readers offended? Too bad! Any letter of protest would be 128 years too late, so grow a pair and just bake the pie.)

Cranberry Pie
1 1/2 cups cranberries and 1 cup raisins chopped, add one large cup sugar, one small tablespoonful of flour, one small tablespoonful of water, and butter the size of a walnut, melted. This makes one large, or two small pies.
Mrs. N. P. Noble Phillips.
(Damn it, “Mrs. N. P.” where’s your crust recipe? What temperature? I am a man from the future and can’t bake for SHINOLA!!! Have a great week everyone!)

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