LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday service of the First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls it was a dreary, rainy Sunday, but God provided plenty of sunshine in the hearts of all who came to worship at the First Baptist Church! All present were happy to meet and greet Pastor Russ Thayer and his wife, Carol, as Maggie Houlihan played great music on the pipe organ.

At 10:30 am, Kay King Watson welcomed everyone and read many announcements. She then led us as we sang: “Bind Us Together” and “We Are Your Church”. Pastor Russ then read from Psalm 133 as the Call To Worship, after which he led us in Prayer Time as we asked the Lord to help, heal or encourage friends, family members or others who are in need of prayers. After prayers, we sang our first Hymn: “In Unity We Lift Our Song”. During the Offertory, Maggie and Margaret Emery played: “I Was There To Hear Your Bornin’ Cry”. Special Music was provided by the Worship Team as they sang: “All Things Bright and Beautiful”.

The Sermon, delivered by Pastor Russ, was titled: “An Attitude of Thanks”. He used Verses 16 – 24 from the Book of 1st Thessalonians, Chapter 5. In this book of the Bible, the Apostle Paul was speaking to the people of Thessalonia about their church. Paul asked the people if they knew what it would take to be a “real” church. Pastor Russ told us that a “real” church, according to Paul must include the following: 1. A true Christian Church must be joyful, people who like to fellowship together, like to be together, and have humor in their fellowship. 2. The Church must be a “Praying Church, making no decisions without praying and waiting for the answers God gives us. 3. The Church must be a “Thankful ” Church, thankful for the many blessings God has bestowed on it and its people. It must look to the future with eagerness and anticipation. Once again, Pastor Russ is preparing our church for the changes we will experience when we receive a new pastor.

Our last Hymn was: “Trust and Obey”. after the Benediction, we sang: ‘Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing”.

Announcements: 1. We are collecting Mac & Cheese for the Food Cupboard. 2. Sunday School for all ages is available each Sunday. 3. There is a Bible Study each Tuesday at 10 a.m. 4. “Mary’s Luncheon” involves all women of the church each Thursday at 11:30 a.m. as they honor Mary King, a beautiful 90-something woman who we love! All women are welcome. 5. We will share a Thanksgiving meal on November 20 after morning Worship. 6. The next Soap ‘N More Store will take place on Saturday, November 26 from 9 a.m. to Noon. 7: Also, on November 26 there will be a “Hanging of the Greens” Ceremony in preparation for Advent, at 6 p.m.

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