Lewiston Daily Sun for Nov. 28, 1922

Read more about Nov. 28, 1922, in the SunJournal.com archives.

100 Years Ago: 1922

Mrs. Charles L. Cushman, Mrs. E. Farrington Abbott and Mrs. J.W. Robinson of Auburn will attend the Blanche Dingley-Mathews recital at Frye Hall, Portland Friday evening. Mrs. Cushman and Mrs. Robinson will continue on to Boston on Saturday for a few days.

50 Years Ago: 1922

Lewiston voters yesterday elected 29-year-old attorney John C. Orestis their next mayor and re-elected all seven aldermen. Three proposed charter changes also won the approval of the voters who turned out in relatively small numbers. Only 28.8 percent of the city’s registered voters went to the polls in the non-partisan municipal election.

Orestis will become the city’s first mayor of Greek-Franco-American origin and the last mayor to serve a one-year term under the 1939 City Charter. He easily defeated his two opponents, Nicholas J. Punteri and Richard T. Giem. The election-night count gave Orestis 5,831 votes, Punteri 3,008, and Giem 468. Orestis carried every precinct, even the home precincts of his opponents.

25 Years Ago: 1997

The Jazz Workshop Big Band will present big band music for listening and dancing from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday at the Knights of Columbus Hall, East Avenue. Proceeds will benefit Great Falls Youth Music. Donations are $8 in advance, $10 at the door.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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