FARMINGTON — With Thanksgiving over, residents are putting away their turkey roasters for the year and getting ready for Christmas decorations. Whether you are someone who prefers elaborate inflatables or a simple strand of lights, the one constant in almost every household is a holiday staple, the Christmas tree.

Most people already have a preference towards using a real tree or an artificial tree, but for those interested in switching sides, here are some things to consider.

For many people, much of their assessment comes down to cost. Artificial trees will have an initial investment, which typically ranges from $50 to $300 depending on the type of tree a consumer buys. Once purchased, the tree will have an estimated life span of roughly six to 10 years.

This means in the long term an artificial tree will be a better investment than buying a real tree, as they will only last the season and typically come with a price tag of $60 to $100.

Convenience is another factor, as artificial trees can be easily stored and taken out when the holiday season starts. Real trees, on the other hand, can be cumbersome and heavy as well as messy. There will be some extra maintenance with using a real tree that doesn’t come with using a fake one.

Another factor to consider is ecology. One would think that buying a fake tree would be more environmentally impactful than contributing to deforestation, but that is a misconception.

According to, Christmas trees purchased during the holiday season only account for a fraction of the trees that are grown. Not only that, but Christmas trees are biodegradable, as opposed to artificial trees which are not. Manufactured with metal, PVC and containing flame retardants, artificial trees, by design, are not biodegradable or recyclable.

These are some things a consumer should consider when deciding to purchase a tree for the holiday season. With no clear winner on either side, it’s up to the consumer to think about their situation and what really matters to them. Some value tradition, others value cost and convenience.

Regardless, the season is upon us, and the Christmas tree is but one small component in the grand scheme of the holiday season.

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