LIVERMORE FALLS — December 11 service. A sunny but chilling day, true December weather. Inside the First Baptist Church, the temperature was warm and comfortable as members and friends entered to enjoy morning worship. Maggie Houlihan played familiar Christmas music that set the tone for the service.

Kay King-Watson welcomed all to worship and read the announcements of upcoming events for the Christmas season. Kay led us as we sang two Praise Songs: ” Emmanuel” and “A Nativity Prayer”. Lighting of the Advent Candle: Tammy Deering lit the Candle of Joy, the third candle in the Advent Wreath. She offered a prayer and we sang “Light the Advent Candle”.

Pastor Russ Thayer led us in Prayer Time as we offered prayers for family and friends. He led us as we sang our first Hymn, “God, Almighty, We Are Waiting”. During Tithes and Offerings, Maggie and Margaret Emery played “There’s a Voice In the Wilderness Crying”. After the Prayer, The Worship Team sang a lively version of “The Virgin Mary Had A Baby Boy”.

Pastor Thayer’s Sermon was titled “Joseph”. Last Sunday, he spoke about the Virgin Mary, and related how it must have been for a teenage girl to be visited by an angel. The angel brought to her a message from the Holy Ghost which told her she would conceive a child and she would name him “Jesus”. Mary was engaged to Joseph.

This week, he spoke about Joseph and his reaction after a visit from the Holy Spirit, who told him that Mary would conceive a child and Joseph would become the child’s father. The child would be named “Jesus”. Joseph was an important man in his town. His name could be ruined if people found out about Mary’s pregnancy. Joseph and Mary had never done anything to cause the pregnancy. He had every right to leave Mary alone to have her child.

However, Joseph was a man of deep faith and he was obedient to the Holy Spirit. He married Mary and they traveled together to Bethlehem where she delivered the child and they named him “Jesus”.

Pastor Russ pointed out that Joseph never spoke in the Bible stories about the birth of Jesus. His actions speak louder than words. He heard the Holy Spirit speaking to him and he was obedient to the Spirit. Their quiet lives were shaken by news of a child to be born to Mary, a virgin. They did not turn away from the Spirit. Instead, both listened and obeyed the word of God spoken by the Spirit. Thus, a miracle cane to pass, a miracle that all Christians celebrate every year. When the Holy Spirit speaks to you, when God seeks you out and gives you a command, do not be afraid, do not turn away, but obey and follow the path He has chosen for you. It will change your life!

After the Sermon, Pastor Russ led us as we sang “O Come, All Ye Faithful”, and then after the Benediction, we sang “O Sing A Song of Bethlehem”.

Announcements: 1. During December, we are collecting cereal for the Food Cupboard. In January, we will collect canned soup. 2. Weekly Bible Study takes place every Tuesday at 10 a.m. 3. “Mary’s Lunch” happens every Thursday at 11:30 in the Vestry. All ladies are invited. 4. Worship Team rehearses each Thursday at 1 p.m. 5. Christmas Dinner will be served after the Worship Service on December 18. It is a potluck, so bring your favorite Side dish. Turkey and ham will be served, 6. Every Saturday morning, the men will meet for breakfast at 8 a.m. 7. The next Hymnsing will take place on December 18 at 7 p.m. Don’t miss this…. it’s a good time for singing favorite hymn/carols or just listening, if you choose. 8. Christmas Eve Service will take place at 6 p.m. on December 24. 9. Christmas Day Worship will take place at 10 a.m. on December 25.

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