Sun Journal for Jan. 13, 2023

Read more about Jan. 13, 1998, in the archives.

100 Years Ago: 1923

There will be a snowshoe hike Sunday afternoon, weather permitting. The Y.W.C A. girls will take the 2 o’clock car to Lake Grove from where they will hike to a good place for a frankfort roast. Those who wish to go are asked to notify Gertrude Macomber at the Blue Triangle by Saturday noon in order that enough supplies may be secured. In case of a storm the girls will meet at the Blue Triangle for supper.

50 Years Ago: 1973

An unusually interesting program was presented — this week at a luncheon meeting of the Lewiston-Auburn Christian Women’s Club.

Mrs. Gladys Prescott of Auburn showed a collection of 12 paintings at her old home in Anson, many of them done by memory. Mrs. Prescott started painting at the age of three and has maintained her interest in the arts throughout her life. These pictures, in particular, hold a great sentimental value for her.


The program also included a talk by Margaret Parker of New Gloucester.

25 years ago: 1998

Those staying at the American Red Cross Shelter at Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School are finding the experience much more pleasant than they could hoped.

“My 7-year-old Ryan said to me, ‘Ma-ma, this is so much fun. How much does it cost to stay here?'” said volunteer, Heidi Ricci, with a laugh. As she talked, Ryan was busy shaping an animal in clay in an activity arranged by local artist Duncan Slade.

Ricci said that Slade is just one of the people who have come in off the street to offer to entertain both children and adults. A country band, the Country Line, set up their instruments and played for a while, while a man dressed in a huge Whomphee character regaled the children with his stories in his series.

Since the shelter first opened on Thursday, the initial harried preparation of cots, bedding and food supplies has given away to highly efficient dedicated Red Cross volunteers, and others who have come to give a helping hand.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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