The year was 1958 and we had been in Rangeley for a while now. I was getting used to living with neighbors. You see on the farm, the closest neighbor was a half mile away. One could go outside and hoot and holler like any youngster likes to do. I was quite used to going out into the woods and trying to find an animal or two that just might be a good thing for the supper table. I wasn’t allowed to have a gun yet due to my age. Well most probably we owned only one gun and Dad had that one. But I knew how to bring home a meal or two. You can’t really do that in the big city of Rangeley. So I had to become citified. It seems as though folks didn’t like the idea of me walking around with any sort of weapon. Mother figured I actually needed something to do to keep the town folks at ease. I had already managed to create a lawn with one of those push reel type mowers and was close to becoming bored. Mother had relatives living on the upper part of Pleasant street and would visit them occasionally. She had noticed a couple of old gentlemen that was having difficult times. She suggested if I had spare time I should go up there and help them once in a while. This was great, this gave me something to do. Mother stressed the point, I was not to charge them anything for helping. That was ok, I was always moving and staying out of trouble. Well, there was a very young fella that lived up there also and we became good friends. This was quite different than on the farm. Another person to talk to and not a relative. We would always find something to keep us entertained and out of trouble. One day the young fella noticed the loafers I was wearing and wanted to buy them. Sure, so I offered to sell them to him for three dollars. When Mother heard I charged the young fella for the loafers she was quite upset. I had been given the loafers and I should have given them to my friend. I had at least two more pair of shoes and sneakers that I could wear. This kid didn’t have much. So at Mothers insistence, I gave the money back to the fella. This started something that would stick with me the rest of my life. If I had more of any article that I actually needed, I would give the second to someone who needed it more than I did. I honestly think this is why the spirit world always took care of my needs. I got into trouble with a few religious leaders though, when I would tell stories of what I received from my guardians. They accused me of manifesting things for my own pleasures. Even though I stressed the fact I would ask only for what my family or I needed. But they suggested quite strongly I should stop because this was not what a good Christian does. This puzzled me quite a bit, so I stopped telling the stories. Now, even today, if I really NEED something, it comes along after a while. So I am grateful someone or something is actually looking out for me. These gifts I was always receiving,  has caused me to become a pack rat. If someone offered me almost any article with the words “its free”, you can bet I would take it home. At one point, I ended up with four boats because I needed one to move docks. I had to start saying no to anything that floated. The list of stuff I have given away is quite long. Today, I wish I had actually kept some of those articles. Especially the 1958 Chevy and the 1959 Buick. There was a time, I had six vehicles and I definitely did not need that many. So I just gave some of them away. Today, I own only two vehicles now, but, snow blowers and lawn mowers, well, that is a different story. Now, just the other day someone needed an electric motor for his furnace. I happened to have some, and one actually fit what he needed. The other three, well, one never knows, now do we?  Ken White pack rat, mountain man, COB, almost retired old codger.

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