George Fox (pictured second from right) drove this family to Warsaw, Poland at the outset of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

WEST PARIS — Please join us on March 19 from 9 to 10 a.m. for a special worship service. We are welcoming George Fox, who will give a presentation during the sermon portion of the service on his Ukraine aid. The title of his talk is A Mainer’s Witnesses to Ukraine’s Crisis ~ The humanitarian kindness/war atrocity contrast and the people in the middle. George will speak on his three humanitarian relief visits to Ukraine last year, including accounts of delivering aid into formerly occupied parts of The Donetsk region of Donbas.

George is a local resident who also volunteers with Maine Adaptive Sports and Recreation. All are welcome to attend the service at the First Universalist Church of West Paris. Other parts of the service will be provided by the church’s worship service committee. Music will be performed by Tom Coolidge. Refreshments will follow the service.

The First Universalist Church of West Paris is located at 208 Main Street in West Paris. For more information, please contact Marta Clements, 674-2143,, or Suzanne Dunham, 665-2967,

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