
JAY — Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St. take-out supper menu scheduled for March 3 will be Turkey Pie with e’clair cake for dessert only $12. For March 10 it will be boiled ham dinner, with pistachio cake for dessert, just $12  March 17, the meal will feature a boiled ham dinner, pistachio cake for dessert $12. Happy St. Paddy’s Day! Serving starts at 5 p.m. Call Janice early at 897-2122 to reserve your meal.

JAY — Friday, March 17 from 6 to 9 p.m. Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by dancing to the music of Country Fusion. Cover charge for the dance is $10. An eat in dinner is optional for $12. Doors open at 5 p.m. Call 897-2122 for tickets, members and guests.

CHESTERVILLE —There will be a Bake Sale on Friday, March 10 starting at 2 p.m. continuing until the food runs out. It will happen in the Chesterville Town Office on the Dutch Gap Road to coincide with the town voting. This event is sponsored by the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers(NCEH). Proceeds will benefit the town of Chesterville and events sponsored by the NCEH.  FMI 778-3156.


LIVERMORE FALLS — The AYS Gym is open for walking indoors from Nov. 1 to March 31 on Mon-Wed-Fri from 7 a.m. to 12 p.m., located at the former Livermore Falls High School. Donations are accepted and go to support AYS. Please bring walking shoes to change into. Any questions call Gus Grondin at 897-3305 or Richard Gibbs at 320-3588.



CARRABASSETT VALLEY — Carrabassett Valley Public Library Winter Hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Family Friendly Movies: This week: Friday at 1 & 3 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. Call 237-3535 for titles! Friday Flicks (generally an adult program) will continue on Fridays at 2:00 until further notice, Saturday Family Friendly Matinees are scheduled for 3 p.m. on 3/11 & 25, and 4/8.

CARRABASSETT VALLEY — There will be a Book Talk and Slideshow with Michael E. Vermette on Friday, March 10, 2023  at 4:30pm at the Carrabassett Valley Public Library & Community Center. 50 PLUS One is a wilderness journal of Michael E. Vermette that chronicles his two-week visiting artist program on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in 2020. The Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry selected Indian Island artist Michael E. Vermette, on the year of their 50th anniversary, to be their inaugural visiting artist and capture the beauty of the waterway from Lock Dam cabin on Chamberlain Lake. As a result of his two-week residency, you can view 53 color plates of his oil and watercolor plein air paintings and explore this extraordinary 92-mile wild river system through his writings as he plans, teaches, engages, and visually captures imagery that imprints itself on the modern Maine consciousness.


FARMINGTON — Following a two-year absence due to the COVID pandemic, the Farmington Warming Centers will open, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. and will rotate between Henderson Memorial Baptist Church, located at 110 Academy Street, on Thursdays only, during the month of January and Old South First Congregation Church, located at 235 Maine Street, during the month of February. An updated schedule will be available as to the location of the Warming Center in March for Thursdays, but the Thursday host site is anticipated to rotate between Henderson Memorial Baptist Church and Old South Congregational Church

FARMINGTON — The Warming Center will open each Tuesday, beginning Jan. 10 through March 23, hosted at St. Joseph’s Church at 130 Quebec Street in Farmington. The Warming Center has been a staple in the Farmington community since 2009 and is being sponsored by the Farmington Area Ecumenical Ministry. The purpose of the Center is to provide an option for Mainers to get out of the cold and enjoy a hot meal, a warm area, games and activities, and fellowship with other people. Everyone, of all ages, is welcome. The Warming Centers will be open every Tuesday and Thursday, until March 23, 2023.  You are welcome to simply drop in for a hot meal and beverages or come relax for the duration of the Warming Center hours.



LEWISTON — Identifying Trees of Maine: Androscoggin Valley Soil & Water Conservation District. (AVSWCD) Get hands on experience identifying common species in the classroom and in the field with your local District foresters. Saturday, March 11 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at AVSWCD (USDA Building) 254 Goddard Road, Lewiston. Cost: $50/person – includes lunch, three pocket guides and additional resources. Registration Required. There are so many trees in the forest but how do you tell them apart? Join District Foresters Julie Davenport and Shane Duigan to demystify the science of identifying trees. This all day class will include both indoor and outdoor components with powerpoints, twig ID in the classroom, in-field identification, key identifying features of common species, and plenty of time to ask your local foresters all the questions you have! This class will leave you feeling confident to go into your own backyards and favorite walking trails and identify trees yourself! Ticket price includes lunch, three pocket guides, and additional resources to take home with you.

Registration is required. For more information, or to register:


Re Purpose! Upcycling 101: Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, from 6 – 8 p.m. $75 for all three sessions. Limited to 12 participants. Please register through Franklin County Adult Education at Wears & Wares is located at 413 Wilton Road in Farmington. Participants will be provided a wide variety of materials in the first session that they must creatively upcycle – ranging from old windows and hardware to antique doorknobs and vintage fabric. In the second session, participants will get to choose from the materials that are provided and in the third session participants will add to the materials that are provided to create a wide variety of upcycled objects.



WILTON — Through a series of classes, Opening Minds through Art (OMA) engages students with dementia in creating free-wheeling art. Fridays, March 24 through April 28 at the Education Center of SeniorsPlus at 284 Main St., Wilton. Contact SeniorsPlus, at 207-795-4010,


FAYETTE — Friends of Starling Hall is having a spring online auction! Sit in the comfort of your home and bid on these great items. When the auction is over on April 1 just come to the hall and pick up your item or certificate or arrange plans for the item that you were the high bidder on, just in time for Easter. All proceeds will go to the continued restoration of the Hall and your support is greatly appreciated! Check it out at BiddingOwl – Friends of Starling Hall Auction and check back often as you may be out bid!

Do you know any model train enthusiasts? On the bidding site we are limited to putting only 3 pictures and we have an entire antique HO model train set. You can view the set here: Vintage Tyco Train Collection at!Apn15F6eSBvAg9RW42-dU6arGDmgpQ?e=w7x7Yl

Please share this with your friends and don’t forget to check out our website and Facebook page.  Visit our website and “Like” us on Facebook at



INDUSTRY — The Industry Community Kitchen is once again hosting monthly luncheons /socials at the Industry Town Hall. Socialize with friends from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with FREE lunch at noon. Luncheons are usually held the first Thursday of each month, next month the date will be April 6. All are welcome so hope to see you there. For more info contact Vicci @ 778-6722 or Amy @ 778-4158.


FARMINGTON — ArtsFarmington Presents: Maine Mountain Chamber Music Concert on March 5 at 3 p.m. at Nordica Auditorium, Farmington. Performers are Yuri Funahashi (piano), Laurie Kennedy (viola) with guest artists Gianluca Pane (violin) and Elena Ariza (cello). Playing the music of Beethoven, Nadia Boulanger, and Astor Piazzolla. Suggested price is $20 for Adults (more if you can, less if you can’t – everyone welcome, nobody turned away), UMF students and youth 18 and under are free.For more information see their website at

FARMINGTON — ArtsFarmington is pleased to honor International Women’s Day by presenting Resinosa Ensemble – three women musicians, who will be playing works by American female composers. The concert will be on Wednesday, March 8, at 7:30 p.m. in Nordica Auditorium, Merrill Hall, University of Maine at Farmington. Suggested price is $20 for Adults (more if you can, less if you can’t – everyone welcome, nobody turned away), UMF students and youth 18 and under are free. The concert is entitled The Taste of Something New, taking its name from the first work on the program by Beth Wiemann. The concert also features trios by two Maine-based composers, Beth Wiemann and Marianna Filipi, as well as a trio by Libby Larsen, and works for solo piano by Mable Bailey and Zenobia Powell Perry.

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