LOVELL — After four voters failed to have the annual Town Meeting postponed for a week due to Saturday’s snowstorm, the 69 voters in attendance took a couple of hours to approve all warrant articles.

The 2023-24 budget is an increase of $306,000, according to town officials, and raises and appropriates $1.3 million from taxpayers.

Seven articles amending and updating the town’s zoning ordinances passed. Town Clerk Laura Williams said most of the changes involve closing loopholes and issues to conform to changing state law.

The ordinance that prevents opening marijuana businesses updated the wording, switching out the term marijuana for cannabis. Other adjustments dealt with piers, decks and wharfs and electric vehicle charging stations.

Stephen Goldsmith won another three-year term as selectman, running unopposed.

Three Maine School Administrative District 72 directors won reelection: Jane Williams for three years; Rose Micklon for two years over Savanah Sessions, 46-19; and alternate Jean Woodward for 0ne year over Sessions, 37-27.

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