It’s that time of the year when the steady drip of melting snow and the happy song of spring birds means the long winter gives way to warmer weather. We start to get excited for lazy boat days, long hikes, and endless adventures that await. As we place our ski/snowmobile gear into storage and get ready to be outside and active, we remember…mud season…black fly season…who-wants-to-even-be-outside season. It’s the time of year when you are excited to be active outdoors, but the trails are still too muddy to hike. And while the bugs may motivate you to run…evading a swarm of black flies is not really the cardio you hoped for.

Staying active in the spring can be a challenge when it’s not always easy or comfortable to be outdoors. Fortunately, indoor activity can be just as effective for those looking to stay fit, or get fit, this spring.

Britanni Martin, Fitness Director & Personal Trainer at Rangeley Health & Wellness Fitness Center suggests complementing your regular outdoor work- out routine with sensible substitutions all year long, but mud season is an especially good time. Here are the top 10 reasons.

1- STATE of the ART EQUIPMENT- Instead of buggy morning hikes or rainy runs, you can take advantage of some of their state-of-the-art equipment. Stationary bikes with a view of Rangeley Lake or a half an hour on the treadmill can be time very well spent. As a bonus, unlike nature’s terrain, you can choose slight to steep inclines when and for how long you want them.

2- CLASS BENEFITS- If mud season has you slogging through muddy trails, Martin suggests trying a spin class as it could be the perfect way to keep your wheels rolling and your heart pumping. Besides, sometimes being in a class with others keeps you from giving up. There’s nothing like the comradery you feel with a friend’s encouragement (or friendly competition) to motivate you. Instead of always going to lunch or out for a drink, why not make the healthier choice and ask a friend to meet you for a walk or class at the gym?

3- PREVENTION- Martin also suggests balancing cardio with strength-training and recommends getting fit before summer hits to avoid overdoing it, thus avoiding injury. Also, it doesn’t matter how old you are as it’s never too late or for too early (teens with screens), too early to start a new healthy routine.


4- PERSONALIZED SERVICE- Don’t know where to begin? Rangeley Health and Wellness offers a variety of fitness classes suitable for different levels as well as personal training sessions catered to you and your personal health goals. Stop at the front desk or call 207 864-3332 for more information. The staff is there to help guide you to and along the appropriate path.

5- PERFECT TIMING- For those new to the gym, Spring is also a good time to learn the ins and outs of the gym before the summer season kicks into high gear. Find your favorite time of day or your favorite class now and it will be that much easier to stick with your routine come summer.

6- DISCOUNTS- Throughout April and May, Rangeley Health and Wellness is offering 15% off a Class Pass – it’s a great opportunity to try out some indoor fitness offerings.

7- NEW this season- RRHW just added a Spin Class and a Super Circuit to their schedule. However new classes are always forming. For the latest updates, check out their website at Can’t find the class you’re looking for? Make a suggestion with Brittani Martin.

8- PRIORITIES- It’s important to focus on self-care and being active all year round, so don’t let the spring season slow you down. Think about it. What’s more important than your health?

9- THE VIEW- With the first-class view from the Rangeley Health and Wellness gym, you can still enjoy all those signs of spring while staying dry and bug-bite-free!

10-#1 REASON: If you’ve read this far it’s because you know in your heart this is something you have been meaning to do or if you have already been going to the gym, maybe you want to go MORE! You deserve to be healthy and fit. Do it for yourself and for those who love your cute self.

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