To the Editor:

On Monday, April 24, intellectual freedom advocates around the nation celebrated Right to Read Day to kick off National Library Week. As a librarian and a believer in the importance of free speech, I strongly believe that every person should have the right to read and access any book they choose, without any censorship or restriction.

It is deeply concerning to see that there are attempts to ban books in schools and libraries across the country. Banning books not only limits individuals’ access to information and knowledge but also undermines the fundamental principles of a democratic society. The ability to freely read and access information is essential to the development of critical thinking skills and the ability to make informed decisions. We must ensure that future generations have the opportunity to explore diverse perspectives and ideas.

While the Right to Read Day has passed for this year, you can celebrate anytime by checking out and reading a banned book, attending school and library board meetings to defend intellectual freedom, or writing a letter to your elected officials showing your support for the freedom to read.

I urge everyone to join this important movement and support the right to read. Together, we can protect this fundamental freedom, ensure that access to knowledge and information remains available to all and that the right to read remains a cornerstone of our democratic society.

Savannah Sessions,
Legislative advocacy chair, Maine Library Association
Board member, Charlotte Hobbs Memorial Library


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