LIVERMORE FALLS — At the First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls May 7 service, Kay King Watson, opened the Service at 10:30 a.m., as she read the announcements, followed by leading the congregation as we sang: “Be Exalted, O God” and “Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”. It was a gorgeous day for all, especially those who chose to worship in the House of the Lord!

All were ready to worship with enthusiasm and praises to God. Pastor Rev. Russ Thayer led us in prayer time and we recited the Lord’s Prayer. The first hymn was a favorite: “How Great Thou Art”, led by Pastor Thayer. During the offertory, Maggie Houlihan (on the organ and Margaret Emery on the piano played: “Give Thanks”. After the prayer for tithes and offerings, the Worship Team sang: “If It Had Not Been”.

Before the Sermon, titled: “Three Privileges and Duties”, Pastor Thayer read from the Book of Hebrew, Chapter 10, Verses 19 – 25. He spoke from the Scripture which tells us we must encourage and spur one another on if we want to see God. When we believe in Jesus, He will lead us to God, the Father. When we look at Jesus, we are looking at God. He has granted us three privileges: 1, Jesus is the direct path into God’s presence. It is our privilege to follow in His footsteps. 2, Jesus is the High Priest over God’s House(the Church). 3, Jesus can cleanse our thoughts and prepare us to be ready to meet God, the Father. Our responsibilities are: 1, draw nearer to God, not only when it’s convenient, but every minute of every day. 2. Hold on to the Hope Jesus has given us, no matter how bad life might be for us, we must keep hope that God will help us through. 3. Faith and Hope are not only for oneself. Jesus has shown us that we must encourage and love one another in good times and in bad times. God calls us to be The Family of God – not only me, but you and all others. So look for the best in others, utter words of praise and compliment the good things, and show appreciation for his/her accomplishments. You will be a happier person as will those around you………and, God will be happier, too!

The Service closed as we sang the last Hymn: “Whiter Than Snow”. Directly after the Service, we welcomed six new members into the Church, then we shared the Communion Meal and sang: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”.

Announcements: 1. This month, we are collecting cereal for the Food Cupboard. In June, we will collect canned spaghetti sauce. 2. Tuesday: weekly Bible Study with Kay in the Sturtevant Room at 10:00am. Thursday: Mary’s Lunch at 11:30am every week to honor our dear friend, Mary King. Potluck, share if you want to bring food, but not necessary. All ladies are welcome. 3. Thursday at 1:00pm, Worship Team rehearsal for Sunday music. Come join us and share the joy of singing to the Lord!! 4. Men’s Breakfast will be served on Saturday, May 13th at 8:00am. 5. The Soap ‘N More Store will be open on Saturday, May 27th from 9:00am to Noon. 6. The next Hymnsing will take place on Sunday, May 28th at 7:00pm.

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