The Town of Rangeley 2022 Annual Town Report has been dedicated to Susan Koob, Audrey Hodge, Edward Kfoury and Beth Brunswick. The Selectmen invited family members to their June 5th meeting to present them a copy of the Town Report and recognize the civic contributions of their relatives.
Susan Koob who graduated from Rangeley High School was a dedicated gifted and special education teacher. A copy of the Town Report was presented to her husband Larry Koob.
Audrey Hodge who was born in Rangeley in 1925 was a long time Town Clerk at the Rangeley Town Office. She was very helpful and enjoyed assisting residents and visitors with their Town business. A copy of the Town Report is being mailed to her grandson.
Edward Kfoury was instrumental in the creation of the Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust which has preserved over 14,000 special acres in the Rangeley area. Ed’s daughter Kate was in attendance to receive their family’s copy of the Town Report.
Beth Brunswick loved Rangeley and genuinely cared about the people who lived here. Beth was the driving force for Rangeley Family Medicine, Rangeley Health and Wellness (RHW) and the annual RHW summer concert. In her passing she leaves the Beth Brunswick Memorial Fund for Children to create a safe place for children to learn, grow and develop. A copy of the Town Report was presented to Beth’s husband Ed.
Immediately after the Town Report presentations the Selectmen entered into an executive session for a consultation with legal counsel. When the executive session ended the Selectmen authorized negotiations between an attorney representing the owner of 2301 Main Street which has been foreclosed on and Town Attorney Steve Langsdorf. The intent of the negotiations is to identify a process that will allow the former landowner to buy back the foreclosed upon property.
The Selectmen voted to renew an expiring Certificate of Deposit for an additional four-week term. The Certificate earned $13,831.20 in interest over the last four-week period.
A Liquor License renewal was approved for Classic Provisions located at 2455 Main Street.
The Selectmen tabled an application for a Vendor’s License submitted by Fresh Eatz. Fresh Eatz offers Korean fare from a food trailer to be set up at the Hideaway Coffee Shop at 2419 Main Street. This use requires a public hearing which has been scheduled for the next Selectmen’s meeting to be held on June 20, 2023.
Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments was awarded the road salt bid for next winter at $83.90 per ton. NE Salt Co. offered a bid price of $86.00 per ton. The Town of Rangeley purchases approximately 550 tons per winter.
Campbell Environmental Group (CEG) has been contracted by Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for PFAS testing on septage spreading sites. Two sites in Rangeley were licensed by Maine DEP for the spreading of septage. CEG has also been tasked with contacting landowners within 1,000 feet of the septic spread sites to obtain permission to sample their drinking water for PFAS. The testing is expected to start around the end of June.
Jeff Preble from Wright-Pierce Engineering presented a packet of street lighting options to the Selectmen for their consideration. Street lighting is component of the Oquossoc Village Planning Study that will need to be discussed. A public meeting will be held June 28, 2023 at 6:00pm in the multi-purpose room of Rangeley Lakes Regional School for a presentation of the progress on the Oquossoc Village Planning Study.
The next Selectmen’s meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, June 20th to accommodate the Juneteenth holiday on Monday, June 19, 2023. An Attainable Housing Workshop will be included on the June 20th agenda.
The front counter at the Rangeley Town Office will close at noon on June 30th so a year end close out of the books can occur.
“A democracy is healthiest when the public is informed about the activities of leaders of industry and occupants of public office.” -Melvin Melcher
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