Poet Gibson Fay-LeBlanc reads at the Rangeley Public Library on Saturday, August 5th, at 3:30pm. 16th annual Hugh Ogden Evening of Poetry. Free. All Welcome. Photo by Renee Fay-LeBlanc.

On Saturday, August 5th, lovers of poetry will gather at 3:30 PM in the Rangeley Public Library to honor poet Hugh Ogden of Rangeley (1937-2006). Gibson Fay-LeBlanc of Portland, executive director of the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, will be the featured poet at the 16th annual Hugh Ogden Memorial Evening of Poetry. Sponsored by the Rangeley Public Library and the Ogden Poetry Committee, the event is free to all. Light refreshments will be served.

Members of the Ogden family will begin the Evening by reading poems written by their father. Then, community members are invited to read a poem of Hugh’s or one of their own.

Gibson Fay-LeBlanc’s first collection of poems, Death of a Ventriloquist (2012), won the Vassar Miller Prize. His second, Deke Dangle Dive (2021), explores illness, fatherhood, brotherhood, and masculinity through a variety of lenses, including ice hockey, contemporary culture, and the natural world. This collection considers how poems can speak to us and through us when all seems lost. FMI: https://www.gibsonfayleblanc.com

Gibson served as the City of Portland’s fifth Poet Laureate, ending a three-year term in 2018. With graduate degrees from UC Berkeley and Columbia University, he has taught writing at conferences, schools and universities including the University of Southern Maine. He lives in Portland with his family.

Please call the Rangeley Public Library at 864-5529, if you can, to reserve a seat and help us plan for the event. To purchase copies of Gibson’s new book, visit Books, Lines & Thinkers, 2513 Main St., Rangeley (864-4355, bltbooksrangeley@yahoo.com).  FMI, contact Peggy at 864-3421 (myocomATgmu.edu) and visit http://margaretyocom.com/poetry.

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