AUBURN — Police are investigating Thursday morning’s shooting on Webster Street in which at least one vehicle and an apartment house were struck by bullets.

Witnesses said it appeared that three young men fired off at least a dozen rounds about 3 a.m., apparently shooting at another man who was walking to his car near the corner of Webster and Temple streets.

It was believed that none of the rounds struck the man, although several struck his vehicle.

A man who lives at the corner reported he woke up after the shooting to find a hole in his bathroom wall and a bullet in his bathtub. He later saw police in the street collecting spent shell casings as evidence.

Shortly after the shooting, Lewiston police were called for a man reported to be seeking medical help at a Lewiston hospital for a gunshot wound to his hand. It was not known if that injury was related to the shooting in Auburn.

Police were not commenting on the shooting as their investigation continued. They did not say Friday whether arrests had been made.

Temple Street is a dead end off Webster Street near the corner of Webster and Union streets.

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