On Monday, August 21st, 2023, at 6 p.m., the Board of Selectmen met after declaring a quorum. Selectmen present were Ethna Thompson, Chairman; Samantha White, Wendyll Caisse, and James Jannace. Joe Roach, Town Manager, was also present. Ethan Shaffer was unable to attend.

The Board moved rapidly through the agenda, unanimously approving the August 7th, 2023, BOS Meeting Minutes and proceeded to the portion of the meeting for Non-Agenda Items where the public can speak.

Mark Beauregard asked about the Town Manager’s contract. Ethna Thompson, Chairman, noted that it was a public vote and, therefore, a matter of public record and asked Mr. Beauregard to refer to that document. Mrs. Thompson did confirm that the Town Manager had a new contract.

Mr. Allison then took the floor to bring up an issue around the perceived mismanagement of the water level of Haley Pond. He stated that his primary concern was the effect on wildlife, and secondary was the effect on his property. Mrs. Thompson clarified his grievances and stated that management of the sluice is thought to be done by a department of the town, and therefore it needs to be addressed with Joe Roach, Town Manager, as he manages the departments. She then charged Town Manager Roach with investigating the issue further and doing what he needed to do to address the situation and see if there was something the town could put in place to ease Mr. Allison’s mind and any other concerned citizens of that particular body of water.

Mr. Grant then took the floor to express concern about the lack of 24 – 7 police coverage in Rangeley. He had an incident at his store last Thursday when he called 911, he was told that no one was on duty or available in the area and that they would take the information and pass it on. He was contacted by local police 24 hours later. His concern was, what if this was a more serious situation, like a bar fight? Owners cannot wait for 24 hours for law enforcement to respond and feel that the town hasn’t kept up with the growth. Mrs. Thompson again stated that the police force is a department of the town under Mr. Roach and asked that Mr. Grant document his concerns and come back to the next meeting and have an open discussion. Mr. Roach was asked to have Chief French attend and possibly border patrol. During the discussion, it was determined that the town pays taxes to Franklin County, so we get coverage from the Sheriff’s department; however, we don’t pay more so we do not get designated coverage.

The Board then received for review meeting notes from the Sewer Commission, Regular Meeting (July 11th, 2023), the Planning Board, Organizational Meeting and the Regular Meeting (both held on July 12th, 2023).


The Board then moved on to Consent Items. The Liquor license for Parkside & Main, Inc. was unanimously approved, along with one appointment to the Comprehensive Plan Review and Implementation Committee and one appointment to the Airport Commission. The Boating Facilities Fund Grant Acceptance matching funds of $8,900 from the town was also unanimously approved. As an adjustment to the agenda, Mr. Roach brought up the Franklin Savings Bank CD that the town holds. He recommended waiting until August 31st to renew due to an RFP that is in process. The town could renew the CD on August 31st on its current termination date. As a side note, the CD has earned $55,612 in interest. The Board unanimously approved renewing the CD on August 31st if needed, as they do not meet prior to the expiration date.

Correspondence: Linda Tokarz produced a document around Mass Mailings. The town uses multiple avenues where to get out information. It already utilizes social media (Facebook), radio, newspapers, and post offices to let people know that packets are available on the website. Peter Carter sent a letter in regard to noise pollution, specifically the seaplane business in town. Discussion occurred around who regulates seaplanes and any ordinances or statutes related to seaplanes and noise. Mr. Roach was asked to look into when they built the seaplane base and see what documentation is available, as the FAA, Selectmen and Planning Commission were heavily involved in that project.

Old Business: Park Rules and Regulations, second reading, was unanimously approved and adopted. Wastewater Treatment Facility Truck Lease to Purchase was unanimously approved, and the Town Manager approved to execute the documents.

New Business: Chapter 12 – Mooring, Final Draft unanimously approved, fee schedule to be drafted. Chapter 14 – Vendors License and Fees – The board unanimously approved that this should go to the ordinance committee with a letter specifically asking them to address food trucks as they are not in the ordinance. Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program – Stantec Policy Statement – First Reading was unanimously approved.

Other Business: Town Dock Update – BMC Diving has requested the deposit to be released per contract and Board spproval. MMA Dividend Payment received. Mr. Roach also talked about safety training going on with town employees to reduce costs further.

Due to the Labor Day Holiday, the next Selectmen Board Meeting will be on Tuesday, September 5th.

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