Bridgton-Lake Rotarians and friends gather at the Mountain Driving Range on Aug. 31 in Bridgton. Clockwise from left are Dan Hickman, Carol Madsen, Julie Forbes, Rick Whelchel, Savannah Rioux, Erin Nelson, Aaron Hagan, John Eliassen, Joanne Cohn, Laurie Paldino, Dave Barker and Pia Giannone. Submitted photo

The Bridgton-Lake Region Rotary Club hosted a “Shot” event on Aug. 31 at the Mountain Driving Range in Bridgton.

Open to all, the event included free buckets of balls and Street Eats appetizers, and a dozen Rotarians joined by 10 spouses and friends.

The event was a chance for golfers to hit some balls and for others to enjoy food and fellowship. It was a prelude for the 12th annual golf tournament at Bridgton Highlands Country Club set for Saturday, Sept. 16, a nice time was had by all.

For more information or to register, email Lisa Ryan, committee chair, at or find a registration form at

The tournament, the club’s biggest fundraiser each year, helps to fund hosting Community Kettles, donating winter outerwear to youth, providing dictionaries to third graders, offering scholarships, addressing veterans, substance abuse and child safety issues and more.

More information about the local club is at or its Facebook page.


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