Johnson Hall’s “On the Road” Stand-Up Comedy Series presents a double-headliner show with Tuck Tucker and Dennis Fogg at The Blind Pig Next Level in Gardiner on Saturday, Sep. 16 at 7:30 pm. The show will also feature Joe Flynn and host, Mark Turcotte.
As some of New England’s funniest comics take the stage and present their unique brand of humor, you’ll hear jokes about life in Maine, the meaning of life, and everything in between. Each show features at least 3 comedians and runs about 90 minutes. These performances are intended for mature audiences and will contain adult language and content. Ages 21 and up only.
Tucker’s verbal wit and physical comedy have made him a favorite throughout New England. He’s a founding member of Portland’s Running with Scissors improv group and was a finalist on HBO’s Lucky 21 Comedy Showcase. He’s performed at the Hartford Funny Bone, the Rhode Island Comedy Connection, and the Comedy Nest in Montreal.
Fogg’s comedy and restaurant, Uncle Andy’s Diner in South Portland, was featured on the Food Network’s “Restaurant Impossible.” The Portland resident was a finalist in the Funniest Comic on the East Coast Contest at Mohegan Sun and has performed at Foxwoods Casino, Hollywood Casino, and Dick Doherty’s Comedy Den in Boston.
The Blind Pig Next Level is located at 11 Mechanic Street in Gardiner. Advance tickets may be purchased at
Tickets are $22 for all seats. This is a general admission show. This show is part of the Johnson Hall “On the Road Series” and takes place off-site from Johnson Hall while our theater undergoes a full renovation. The Blind Pig Next Level is located at 11 Mechanic St., Gardiner. Parking is available on Water Street, Mechanic Street, and in the Arcade Parking Lot off Main Street. Look for parking signs and follow walking signs to get to the Blind Pig Next level on Mechanic Street. For more information, call the box office at 207-582-7144 or in person from 12-3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and after 5 p.m. on the day of the show.
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