AUBURN — For 16 months, Clarice Proctor was buried in work, covering two positions for Androscoggin County. That time commitment proved unbearable.

Clarice Proctor

Proctor is resigning as county administrator, but she will remain as treasurer/finance director.

The County Commission could name an interim administrator as soon as Wednesday.

Proctor, who has served as treasurer since 2018, was named interim county administrator in June 2022 following the resignation of Larry Post, who was the county’s first administrator and held the post for seven years.

In April of this year, commissioners removed the interim tag from her title. However, the county has failed to hire her replacement as treasurer, forcing Proctor to continue working both jobs.

Officials thought they had found a new treasurer in early summer, but that individual quit a month later, saying it was not a good fit for him.


Proctor hung on for a few more months, but that replacement never materialized. In the end, Proctor suggested the change, saying she figured it would be easier for the county to hire a new administrator instead of a finance director.

“I’m a finance person,” Proctor said. “It was my idea. Going back is fine with me.”

Proctor said she thought both jobs would ultimately suffer if she continued to cover them.

Commissioners, who are scheduled to meet in executive session Wednesday to consider their options, were pleased that Proctor agreed to stay on as treasurer.

“She requested to go back to full-time treasurer,” Commission Chairman Sally Christner said. “She did such a great job before, we did not give it a second thought.”

Before coming to Androscoggin County in 2018, Proctor previously worked as finance director for Sagadahoc County. She also has worked for area nonprofit organizations and agencies for more than 25 years.


Proctor wasn’t sure why trying to hire a new treasurer proved so difficult. She said the few individuals who were offered the job turned it down for a variety of reasons.

There was no one overriding reason, although she did say there are pages and pages of openings for finance work on various job boards.

“Finding a finance person is pretty hard right now,” Proctor said.

Proctor said she has agreed to stay on as administrator until an interim leader can be hired.

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