LIVERMORE FALLS — Pastor Russ Thayer welcomed all in attendance and led us as we sang two Praise Songs:  “Sanctuary”, and “Therefore the Redeemed”. He read from Psalm 95, Verses 1 – 3 as the Call to Worship. The first Hymn we sang was “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”. He called the children to the front pew and presented the Junior Sermon, titled “Secret Box”. As the Offering was collected, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “Saved by Grace”. Special Music was offered by the Worship Team as they sang a South African song titled, ” Syahamba”,  “We Are Singing”. Pastor Russ sang the first Verse in the Zulu language, followed by the Team who sang more verses in English, the Congregation joining in on the last verse.

Pastor Russ read Scripture from the Book of Colossians, Chapter 3, Verses 18 – 21 as introduction to the Sermon, titled “Rules for Christian Households”. There were many centuries when men did not value  women or respect them as they deserved to be respected.

Many children were treated as belongings and were expected to work as if they were adults. In general, men were the most important members of the household and wives and children were expected to obey and follow their directions.

When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he talked about all men, women and children should live in Christian homes. In Christian homes, fathers and mothers live as partners, teaching their children to respect their parents, grandparents and other members of the families, as well as friends. Jesus should be at the heart of the family.

Children should be encouraged in their learning experiences, rather than discouraged. In a Christian home, parents keep God at the center of their existence, therefore, teaching the children to do the same, to respect God as He respects each member of the household.

The last Hymn was “The Family Prayer Song”, followed by “Song of Hope”  after the Benediction.



1. We will collect canned green beans for the Food Cupboard in November.

2. Adult Sunday School takes place each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.

3. Pastor Russ will continue the discussions about the  movie, “The Chosen” each Tuesday evening at 6 p.m.

4. The Soap ‘n More Store will be open on Saturday, Nov. 25, from 9 a.m. – noon. A Free Lunch will be served from 11 a.m.

5. The Worship Team rehearses each Thursday from 1-2 p.m. Come and join us for the Christmas singing!

6. Mary’s Potluck Lunch will take place on Thursday, Nov. 2,  at 11:30 a.m. in the Vestry. All ladies are invited.

7. There will be no Men’s Breakfast until January.

8. “Invite A Friend” Sunday will take place on Nov. 19. Invite a friend to attend our Worship Service and stay for a Thanksgiving Dinner after the service. Please inform Paula Wade if your friend will be sharing our dinner.

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