On Wednesday evening, I was downtown attending the Lewiston Public Library’s trick-or-treat event when I saw two police cars hurdling down Lisbon Street at incredible speed. I had no idea our worst fears as a community were being realized, and how many of our neighbors would experience such deep grief and loss in the days to come.

What Lewiston has experienced is a devastating tragedy. Eighteen lives were lost. And, of the 13 injured, some are still hospitalized and all are coming to terms with their newfound identities as survivors of a mass shooting.

In the midst of this heartbreaking time, Lewiston rises. I’ve heard countless stories that showcase the absolute best of this community: off-duty medical staff answering hospitals’ calls for help, strangers protecting each other from harm, residents hanging banners proclaiming our strength, and countless neighbors checking in on our brave first responders with food and support.

On Sunday we came together as One Lewiston to honor our dead and remind each other that none of us will be alone on this path to recovery. It was powerful to see thousands come together publicly to affirm our commitment to our great city and commit to building a kinder, more loving world.

I am proud to be mayor of an incredible community full of strength, resilience and hope. Lewiston has once again shown that it is made of something special.

The road ahead will be long and hard, but we will get through this together. Please reach out if you are in need of help, and check in on your neighbors.

Take care of each other.

Mayor Carl Sheline, Lewiston

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