LIVERMORE FALLS — The First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls Sunday, Nov. 5, church service began promptly at 10:30 a.m. after Maggie Houlihan played the organ to set the mood. The service opened as Rick Merrill carried the American Flag to the front of the Sanctuary and we sang the National Anthem in honor of Veterans Day.

Pastor Russ Thayer read a few announcements, then led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “I Sing Praises” and “Worthy of Worship”. The Call to Worship was read from Psalms 96, Verses 1 – 4. We moved on to Prayer Time followed by The Lord’s Prayer. We sang “Just A Closer Walk With Thee” and Pastor Russ called children to the front pew and presented a humorous Junior Sermon titled “Secret Box”.

Lynn Knight spoke to the Congregation as she presented a Mission Moment titled “World Mission”. As the Offering was collected, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played “Like A River Glorious” on organ and piano. Special Music was performed by Rubie and Cansis Widger, accompanied by Maggie as they sang “Mansions of the Lord”.

To introduce his Sermon, Pastor Russ read Scripture from Philippians, Chapter 4, Verses 10 – 17. In his Sermon, titled “Happy Time”, Pastor Thayer talked to us about experiencing happiness at church by giving of our time, talents, and wealth to the church in order to support the outreach of the church and to spread God’s message throughout our community and beyond.

He told us that God gives us the opportunity to serve Him through acts of kindness, helping those in need, and the “togetherness” we share within the church family which offers us moral support and friendship. There are those who feel they have no need for friendship from others and they feel they can live their lives without the help and love of others and God.

However, to truly feel accepted and loved, we need other people, and we need God in our lives. Giving to our church is a privilege, a way of helping God to bring love and peace to our lives and to people who are called to live Christian lives. “Happy Time” is the time we spend with God in service to His message of love to the world. The happiness we feel after sharing and giving goes with us when we leave the building and it follows us as we live our everyday lives.


We sang “Give Thanks” after the Sermon, then moved on to Communion. After benediction, we closed the service as we sang “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”.


1. Collecting canned green beans for the Food Cupboard. In December, we will collect crackers of any kind.

2. Sunday Schools meet each Sunday. Adults meet in the Sturtevant Room at 9:30 a.m. and children leave for their class after the junior sermon.

3. Don’t forget “Invite a Friend Sunday” on Nov. 19. Invite a friend to attend the worship service and share an early Thanksgiving Dinner after worship.

4. The next Soap ‘n More Store will take place on Saturday, Nov. 25 from 9 a.m. to noon. A free meal is offered from 11 to noon.

5. The next Hymnsing will take place on Sunday eve, Nov. 26 at 7 p.m.

6. The Worship Team meets each Thursday at 1 p.m. (except on Thanksgiving).

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