If you can identify where this photo was taken, contact us at bmail@sunjournal.com or call 689-2896 and leave a voicemail with your answer, your name, town, and phone number. Correct entries will be put into a drawing for a $25 gift card, courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets. Find the Mystery Photo online at https://www.sunjournal.com/tag/mystery-photo/
We had some interesting incorrect answers for last week’s Mystery Photo, including one person guessing it was the new Lewiston plow truck. Others correctly identified the rusty old truck next to the former Jimmy’s Restaurant on Minot Avenue in Auburn that now houses Webster Trading Post. Others knew that on the other side is Fielding’s Oil & Propane Co. Our winner, Dan Philbrick of Auburn, mentioned both. He was randomly picked from all the correct entries and will receive a $25 Hannaford Supermarket gift card.
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