November 12, 2023 service. The morning service began at 9:30 a.m. The Deacons filled in for Pastor Bonnie as she is away on vacation this week. The Invocation/Lord’s Prayer were recited. Hymns were sung to honor and praise God. Mary Dube brought the message to the congregation.  The service ended with “Go Now in Peace”.  Linda Lyman is the organist and Janet Diaz is the pianist each week. Lew Lyman leads the music for the congregation each week.

Announcements listed in the bulletin are that the congregation will be collecting canned green beans for the Food Pantry in November. Bible Study will resume on November 21.  A pot luck luncheon will be on November 19 after the morning service.

You can email the church at Pastor Bonnie’s office hours are Tuesday’s from 9 a.m. to noon.

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