TURNER — The Leavitt Area High School Project Graduation committee plans to host two dances in the coming months: a Father-Daughter Dance on Saturday, Feb. 10, and a Mother-Son Dance on Saturday, March 16.

Both events are set for 6-8 p.m. in the cafeteria of the 21 Matthews Way school.

Adults in the community can take their children out for a memorable evening full of music, food and fun. These events are opportunities to dress up, bond and create lasting memories. These are inclusive events open to all adults who want to bring a child dancing, according to a news release from the committee.

Tickets are available online for both events at $35 per adult-and-child pair and $5 for each additional child. The ticket includes admission, light refreshments, and a small gift bag for each child.

If tickets are still available, they will be sold at the door for $45 per pair and $5 for each additional child. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Photos will be available for purchase separately.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit bit.ly/FatherDaughterDance24 and bit.ly/MotherSonDance24.

Proceeds from both dances will benefit the class of 2024 Project Graduation. Fundraising supports the cost of venue rental, activities, food, prizes and transportation.

For more information on Project Graduation, email lahsprojectgrad@gmail.com.


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