The RSU 78 Board of Education met at the Rangeley Lakes Regional School on Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 5:30PM.

Ms. Heidi Deery presented on eDynamic Learning, which is a research-based, online learning platform for curricula on many subjects. The guidance office is using the section on career development. The platform is providing exposure to students for different career paths. Guidance is planning to expand this in the 2024-2035 school year to include virtual internships, as well as reinvigorating the local work experience program.

Ms. Kate Van Etten and three students who went on the trip presented about the Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. Ms Van Etten and the students shared their experiences from the conference and the additional activities and events they experienced while in DC. One result from this trip is the formation of a student leadership team, which was discussed later in the meeting.

Board Chair Dr. Mary Richards shared that RSU 78 will be seeking a waiver for the 2 “snow days” used during the Lewiston shooting and the December 19th weather emergency.

Principal Seth Laliberte shared details about Ski Tuesday and extended thanks to the team at Saddleback for supporting the program and to Joanne Dickson for all her hard work and volunteer coordination. Please see the recording at the RLRS YouTube channel for the full Ski Tuesday discussion. Mr Laliberte also shared about the “Loon’s Nest” – a student leadership team that was recently formed. Their first goals are to increase school spirit at middle school and varsity sporting events.

Student representatives Nichole Lemay and Angelica Chavaree-Woodward shared that WinterKids has begun and RLRS was again selected for the competitive track. The spring term at the Lakeside Dance Academy has also begun. Seniors are busy planning Class Day and graduation. They encouraged board members to walk down the high school hallway and see the “Wall of Acceptance” where student letters for post-secondary studies are being posted.


Committee Reports included updates from Policy Committee, bringing one policy forward for a vote; Finance Committee, reviewed a grant opportunity and authorized matching funds for school security and safety, reviewed stipends and work on this is ongoing; Facilities Committee, IEC is working on walkway lighting, fuel tank replacement is tentatively scheduled for April 2024; Negotiations Committee, negotiations are active and the committee will have further updates in February 2024.

One retirement was announced: Sonja Johnson will retire at the end of the school year. She has been a teacher at RLRS for 32 years and has inspired countless students. Sonja leaves behind a remarkable legacy at RLRS with a nationally recognized fine arts program.

Action items included the approval of the Grade 8 class trip to Quebec, approval for senior Eric White to attend NEMFA and Maine’s All State Music Festival.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:04PM.

The next RSU 78 Board of Education meeting will be on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 5:30PM in the multi-purpose room at the Rangeley Lakes Regional School.

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