LIVERMORE FALLS — The First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls Jan., 21 service was opened by Pastor Russ Thayer as he read a few announcements and led us into two Praise Songs: “Praise the Lord With the Sound or Trumpets”, and “Let’s Just Praise the Lord”.

He then read the call to worship from Psalm 150. Then, it was prayer time, after which we sang the first hymn. We sang a favorite: “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”. Pastor Russ continued the service as he gave the junior sermon, “The Secret Box”.

During tithes and offerings, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played , “Standing On the Promises” on organ and piano. The Worship Team provided special music as they sang a Spiritual Medley of three Spirituals” “Tis the Old Ship of Zion”, “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot”, and “I’ll Fly Away”, with the Congregation joining to sing on the latter.

Pastor Russ used scripture from Matthew, Chapter 22, Verses 1 – 19. His sermon was titled, “Unexpected Guests”. The scripture from the book of Matthew talks about a king who arranged a marriage for his son. He planned a feast and invited several important people to attend and enjoy the feast. He sent a group of servants to invite each of the important people, but none were interested.

So he sent a different group out to, once again, invite the same people, and again, they refused to attend. So, he sent his servants out into the streets of the village to invite anyone who wanted to attend. The servants returned to the wedding feast with a group of people, good and bad.

God invites us to attend his gatherings at church. He offers us the opportunity to gather with happy, joyous people each Sunday, whether we are good or bad. Rather than sitting at home, watching a church service on the television, isn’t it better to be in the company of others who are also searching for spiritual fulfillment by participation in praising God and thanking Him for all the good He has given us.


God calls each of us to enter His house out of grace. As we accept His gracious invitation, we need to come into His house with respect and be ready to praise Him with joy and love for Him and for one another.

The Service ended as we sang, “Shepherd of Love”, followed by the benediction and the song, “Let There Be Peace On Earth.”


1. Food Cupboard: This month we are collecting canned soup, and in Feb., we will collect canned carrots.

2. Adult Sunday School meets each Sunday morn at 9:30 a.m.

3. Children’s Sunday School meets after the Junior Sermon.


4. Tuesday evening, Pastor Russ continues the study of the movie,” The Chosen” at the Parsonage, 6 p.m.

5. The next Soap ‘n More Store will open on Saturday, Jan. 27, from 9 a.m. to Noon. A free meal is served, beginning at 11 a.m.

6. The next Hymnsing will take place on Sunday eve, Jan. 28 from 6 to 7 p.m.

7. Pastor Russ will conduct classes for those wishing to be baptized. The classes will begin on Jan. 25. See Pastor Russ if interested.

8. Men’s Breakfast will meet again on Feb. 17 at 8 a.m. They will continue to meet on the third Saturday of each month.

9. The Worship Team rehearses each Thursday at 1 p.m. All who love to sing are encouraged to attend.

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