DEAR SUN SPOTS: Are Dick’s Restaurant in Mexico and McDonald’s in Rumford open yet after the damage from the December flood? Would Sun Spots be so kind as to find out when they will reopen? It would be greatly appreciated. — Dennis, Rumford
ANSWER: According to the restaurant’s owner, Pam, Dick’s should be open Thursday! When I spoke with her Wednesday, she said they were at that moment waiting for the health inspector.
As many of you know, Dick’s was one of the businesses damaged in the December flooding and has been closed for seven weeks. Renovation included replacing floors, subflooring, and walls in the building. I admire Pam’s tenacity and positivity, and I’m sure the customers will be pleased to get back to their favorite dining spot!
The restaurant will be open during its regular hours: Saturday, Sunday and Monday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m., closed Wednesday, and open Thursday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The phone number is 364-2960 if you want to check in before driving over.
McDonald’s is open for drive-through only at this time and a staff member reported that they didn’t have a date yet for in-house dining. The phone number is 369-9025 if you want to check in with them in the future.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Lisbon Area Christian Outreach Food Pantry is having a soup, chowder and chili supper Saturday, Feb. 17, from 4-6:30 p.m. at the MTM Center on School Street in Lisbon Falls.
The menu also includes salad, homemade bread and rolls, and apple, pumpkin or cherry pie with a beverage. This is an all-you-can-eat buffet.
Tickets are $13 per person in advance or $14 at the door. Advance tickets can be purchased at the Lisbon Federal Credit Union in Lisbon.
The pantry fed 39,184 people in 2023, not including kids’ programs. We are an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization in which no one gets paid for what they do. If you are interested in making soup, chili, or chowder or making a cash donation, call me at 216-3460. Please make checks payable to LACO Food Pantry. Thanks to all for your time and supporting local food pantries. God Bless. — Bert, Lisbon
ANSWER: These fundraising dinners are always delicious and such a great way to gather with family and friends. Be sure to introduce yourselves to new people too. Have fun and enjoy the home cooking!
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m looking for the Social Security office in Auburn. If you could give me the address I can set my GPS and find it. Thank you. — Bob, Norway
ANSWER: The office is in Suite No. 5 at 600 Turner St. (next to Heidi’s Deli). They are open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
You can call the office at 1-866-627-6996, 1-800-772-1213, or 783-3870. An appointment isn’t required, but if you call ahead, it may reduce your waiting time before talking with someone.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have two kitchen trash bags full of leftover yarn (mostly two ounces and under) to give away to anyone who can use it. Please call 897-2178. — Sandy, Livermore Falls
ANSWER: I’m sure someone will scoop that right up. There are many crafters in Sun Spots Land!
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