DEAR SUN SPOTS: That was an interesting article in this past Sunday’s newspaper by Kay Neufeld about the solar eclipse. Will Lewiston-Auburn see any effect of the April 8 solar eclipse? — No name, Lewiston
ANSWER: For all things eclipse go to the Eclipse 2024 webpage at to see what is expected to happen in your area. There is a boatload of information on the site, including simulated videos of the eclipse, calculated timing, certified eclipse-viewing glasses for sale, and much more.
According to this website, the centerline of the eclipse will enter the state about 2:18 p.m. with a deep partial eclipse in Lewiston and a magnitude of 97.7% occurring about 3:30 p.m. The exact longitudes, latitudes, and viewing times are listed on this site.
At the National Eclipse website, all the Maine towns are listed where the total eclipse will be seen.
If you’re on the fence about traveling to northern Maine to experience the total eclipse — anything under 100% magnitude is partial — it will cause you to consider planning now to travel to the county as explained at the website
After April 8, the next total solar eclipse that can be seen in the contiguous United States will be Aug. 23, 2044.
For even more information, check out too. And if you missed Kay’s article, you can find it here:
DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Lewiston-Auburn Optimist Club has two scholarship opportunities for local residents. The essay contest offers a $2,500 scholarship based on the topic “Optimism: How It Connects Us.”
The oratorical contest also offers a $2,500 scholarship based on the presentation “How to Change the World with Optimism.”
The guidelines require that contestants be under the age of 19 as of Oct. 1, 2023, and attending school in the United States, Canada or the Caribbean. The winner of the contest will advance to the New York-New England District contest to compete for a $2,500 college scholarship.
The district-level scholarships are funded by the Optimist International Foundations. Optimist Clubs’ contest rules and qualifications are listed on the application form. Essays are due to the Optimist Club by Feb. 10.
The winner of the local Optimist Club essay contest must complete the club application and meet the requirements before the essay is submitted to the district for final judging.
You may also visit our national website at for additional information and to obtain copies of the rules, regulations and application forms. Please contact any Optimist Club member or call 783-5269 or email — George, no town
ANSWER: This is a reminder that the deadline for applying for this scholarship is coming up. If you know a student who could benefit from this scholarship, contact George.
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