AUGUSTA — New Ventures Maine plans to offer free workshops and classes statewide in February in three program areas: career, business and financial education. Workshops and classes are designed to help people in Maine gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to build a career, start a business and manage money.

The full class schedule is updated frequently and is accessible at

Classes include online, daytime, evening and self-paced options in the three program areas (partial list):

Build Your Career

My Next Career Move: Self-paced. Online. Assess your skills, interests, and experiences and relate them to career options. Work at your own pace; complete by April 29.

Job Search Workshops: Tuesdays, Feb. 6, Feb. 13; noon to 1 p.m. online. Join for one or both workshops. Feb. 6: Resume Strategies; Feb. 13: Interview Strategies.


Changing Jobs: Finding Work that Fits, 6-7 p.m. Thursdays, Feb. 29-March 14. Online. This class designed for women will help them identify work options and benefits that align with their interests, skills, and values. Three 60-minute sessions.

Start a Business

Grow Your Business Online: Self-paced; online. Gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to create a compelling web presence and website for a small business. Work at one’s own pace; complete by June 30.

Exploring Self-Employment: Noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21, online.
This workshop covers the pros and cons of owning one’s own business, the steps needed for start-up, the major elements of a business plan, and the many resources available to help one succeed.

Business Success — Your Marketing Strategy: Noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb.22, online. This workshop provides a framework so that people can create their marketing strategy for their business.

Manage Your Money

My Money Works: Five online sessions, 10-11 a.m. Thursdays, Feb. 22-March 21. Gain the skills and confidence people need to stretch their money, pay their bills, reduce debt, save, plan for retirement, and set personal financial goals with a plan to achieve greater financial stability.

To learn more and choose a class, visit or call 207-621-3440.


Check out other upcoming area events!

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