The Rumford Association for the Advancement of the Performing Arts is holding auditions for its spring Murder Mystery production, “Murder at the Pie Auction,” at 6 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 12 and 13, at The Hope Association located at 85 Lincoln Ave, in Rumford. This hilarious comedy, about an annual pie baking competition, is filled with big laughs, outrageous characters, and murder. Think “The Great British Baking Show” meets “Columbo.”

Nine roles will need to be cast (five female and four male).

Available roles (number of lines):
Phoebe Muffet: Editor of local newspaper (50)
Minaret Towers: Phoebe’s best friend (45)
Felicity Hubbard: Pie contest coordinator (106)
Mark Tucker: Felicity’s high-strung assistant (78)
Rex Roberts: Actor (98)
Julia Lyle: Pie baking legend (69)
Eve Simone: The contest’s youngest baker (52)
Roger Marable: The stylish former lover of Eve Simone (43)
Guy Templeton: Pie connoisseur and contest judge (37)

The show will be directed by RAAPA veteran Connie Venskus. An entertaining musical interlude will be included featuring the RAAPA Chorus under the direction of Shirli Allen Heald with accompanist Gail Dorr.

Scripts are available for perusal at the Greater Rumford Community Center 50 Congress Street. Please go upstairs to the desk to request a script which can be read in the community room. The center is open from 9 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and until 5 p.m. on Friday.

If you are interested in joining the chorus for this production, please contact Anita Murphy @ (207) 369-0205 to reserve a music folder.

Rehearsals for both the chorus and actors will be on Monday nights beginning Feb. 26 at 6 p.m. for actors and 7 p.m. for chorus members.

Performances of the play will be on Friday and Saturday, June 7 and 8, at Le Paresseux (a.k.a. The Snowshoe Club) in Rumford.

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