LIVERMORE FALLS — At the Sunday, Feb. 11, First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service Kay Watson opened the worship service as she welcomed parishioners and read a few announcements. she led the congregation as two praise songs were sung: “Praise To the Lord” and Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”.

Pastor Russ Thayer led us into Prayer Time and The Lord’s Prayer followed by a familiar Hymn, “God Will Take Care of You”. He presented the junior sermon, “Secret Box”, During the tithes and offerings, Maggie Houlihan & Margaret Emery played “Give Thanks” on organ and piano. Special music was offered by Rick Merrill as he sang “The Longer I Serve Him”.

The subject of Pastor Thayer’s Sermon was the story of Abraham, titled: “Abraham – The Call and the Promise”. He used Scripture from the Book of Genesis, Chapter 12, Verses 1 – 4, and Chapter Chapter 15, Verses 1 – 6.

He described Abraham as a hard-working man of seventy-five years of age at the time of this story. He and his wife never had any children. Abraham was a good man, but he did not know of God and was not a believer. One day, he heard a voice from above speaking directly to him. Startled, he looked up, but saw only the sky, and the voice was telling him to pack all his belongings, his wife, nephew and others and leave his home.

After much discussion with God, he and his family left their home and traveled afar, following God’s instructions, even though they had no idea of where they were going. But God promised Abraham that his children would inherit his land and wealth, but he had no children. So, God gave him a son! Abraham finally settled in the land of Canaan. He stepped out in faith and did as God had instructed, and God fulfilled His promise.

When God speaks to us, we need to listen, because God has plans for each of us. The Service ended as we sang “Father Abraham”, followed by the Benediction and we sang “Savior, Again to Thy Dear Name”.



1. This month, we are collecting canned carrots for the Food Cupboard. In March, we will collect canned spaghetti sauce.

2. Each Wednesday, Kay Watson hosts a Bible Study at her home at 22 Old Jay Hill Road, at 10 a.m. All are welcome.

3. At the parsonage, each Tuesday, Pastor Thayer continues the study of “The Chosen” movie at 6 p.m.

4. The next Soap ‘n More Store will take place on Saturday, Feb. 24 from 9 a.m. to Noon. A free meal is served at 11 a.m.

5. The next Hymnsing will take place on Sunday, Feb. 25 at 6 p.m.

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