Thank you to Mark LaFlamme for his column published Feb. 6 about the “lost souls” and local characters he runs into and gets to know while working in downtown Lewiston.

The writer’s descriptions of Howard, a.k.a. Owen, and the others were thoughtful and powerful.

“And a second later, your hand would be gripped tight and it would be pumped up and down, up and down, with all the vigor of a paint shaker.”

The writer’s recreation of the dialogue and encounters gave me an interesting and colorful look into Maine life, downtown Lewiston life, and into human nature in the 21st century.

“I’d meet them, get to know them and then forget about them entirely as they went on to whatever awaited them in their lives beyond Park Street.”

I appreciate that the Sun Journal has a local writer who is a thoughtful observer of human activity in Lewiston. Reading this column was a valuable education and an enjoyable reading experience for a local reader.

Peter Slovenski, Lewiston

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