100 Years Ago: 1924

Movie fans will find following the motion pictures quite profitable if they follow up the series of New England in Motion Pictures which is to begin at 100 of the best motion picture theaters in New England next Monday. The theater to be selected in Lewiston is the Strand, and each patron is asked to write a short letter telling them what pleased them most in the pictures. The full particulars are to be given in next Sunday’s Boston Post.

There will be 862 cash prizes awarded, totaling $10,000 for the best letters: 600 prizes of $5; 200 of $10; 20 prizes of $25; 20 of $100; two of $500, and $1,000.

Joseph B. Egan filmed the pictures and Phillip Davis of the National Motion Picture Bureau was the director.

50 Years Ago: 1999

Mrs. Margaret Cody, of the Auburn Public Library both surprised and pleased her audience at the Lewiston-Auburn Community Theater as a storyteller extraordinaire.


Many of the stars and masters of the Metropolitan Opera came excitedly to life in her review of an autobiography of Robert Merrill. Certainly the idea of the library being comprised of rows of dusty books was forever exorcised from the minds of Mrs. Cody’s listeners.

Mrs. Barbara Ring presided at the February business meeting at which time the spring production of “Damn Yankees” was announced.

25 years Ago: 1999

They did it! After months of anticipation and speculation, volunteers unofficially broke the Guinness book record for the tallest snowman Monday at noon with “Angus, King of the Mountain,” standing 96 feet 7 inches.

“We want to know where the champagne is,” said crane operator Mark Hutchins, taking a break from stretching his neck to the sky. “A feat like this is something you tell your grandchildren about, he said. We’ll never get to do another one.”

While emotions of pride and relief filled the Bethel Station site  it was too early to celebrate. Volunteers are determined, says engineer Jim Sysko, to reach the goal height of 110 feet. They expect to do that in the next two days.

According to Paula Wheeler, snowman coordinator at the Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce, plans call for a celebration and dedication ceremony from 10 am to noon Friday, Feb. 19, in the parking lot behind the Casablanca Cinema. Gov. Angus King will give an address at 11 am.  A separate celebration is being held for snowman volunteers from 4 to 8 pm that evening in a place that is to be announced.

ABC’s “Good Morning America” will also host a live shot of the site between 8 and 8:30 am Friday. Those wanting to be in the shot should arrive at 7:30 am, according to Wheeler.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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