PARIS — Select Board Chairman Christopher Summers announced at Monday’s board meeting that the town is in negotiations with an individual to become the next town manager.
Town Clerk Elizabeth Knox has served as interim town manager since former Manager Dawn Noyes was placed on administrative leave in November. The town and Noyes agreed to part ways in late December.
“The board has made a selection,” Summers said. “At this point we are in negotiations for a contract. Until that has been satisfied, I am not willing to release a name, but we do have a direction and a purpose.”
He said, “The candidate is working with us and seems most amicable. Just wants to make sure that all the t’s are crossed and the i’s are dotted before we step forward, which in my mind speaks very highly management-wise. I’m looking forward to what is to come out of this.”
In other business, Knox announced that the town will receive $22,896.30 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency for damage caused by the December storm. The town will receive $15,254.68 for road repairs, $6,542.75 for debris removal and $1,098.87 for management fees.
Nomination papers are available for June’s annual elections. Openings include one selectman, one Maine School Administrative District 17 director and two Paris Utility District trustees. Nomination papers are due at the Town Office on April 12.
The board also approved the appointment of Caleb Grover to the Planning Board and a liquor license for Luchador Tacos at 243 Main St.
Scott McElravy and Michael Bailey volunteered to join the negotiation team for a meeting with the police union to finalize a new contract.
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