I want to recommend that folks watch “Masters of the Air” on Apple TV.

One source of this show is “On a Wing and a Prayer” by Harry Crosby. I had the pleasure of knowing Harry, who lived nearby in Lovell during his retirement.

Only by seeing this TV series did I realize the heroism of Harry and these B-17 “Flying Fortress” bomber crews who risked all, who saw many, many comrades die, yet who flew the next harrowing mission. All this sacrifice to fight Adolf Hitler, the biggest tyrant of the 20th century.

This show reminds me of the sacrifice of today’s Ukrainian fighters, putting themselves on the line against Vladimir Putin, the biggest tyrant of this century.

Some suggest we should stay out of this conflict. These isolationists do not see the danger of appeasing powerful tyrants. I hope people write or call U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson and implore him to send our urgently needed aid to Ukraine.

Political games must be set aside to save these freedom fighters.

Francis Kieliszek, Norway

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