100 Years Ago: 1924

A new Red Cross-YWCA class in home nursing and care of the sick is to be formed. This class will start Monday 3 at 7:30 o’clock. These classes which are of interest to many Lewiston-Auburn girls are formed by the cooperation of the Red Cross and the YWCA, and will be taught by Mrs. O’Brien who has successfully taught the government course in home nursing.

The class, though formed at the request of several members of the YWCA, is open to any girl or woman who would like to fit herself for unexpected emergencies in her own home. The course teaches many valuable things about making an invalid comfortable. The class will meet on Monday evenings at the Red Cross rooms at 164 Lisbon St.

50 Years Ago: 1974

The First Auburn Senior Citizens were delightfully introduced to modern music at their valentine party Wednesday afternoon at the First Universalist Church, where Alluvus, a singing group from Edward Little High School provided the entertainment.

Miss Sandra Simpson is director of the group and John Neal was the accompanist.


The students gave up two days of their vacation in order to present this program, and it was much appreciated by the Senior Citizens.

Prior to the program, a short business session was held. Paul and Marjorie Ward welcomed as new members.

25 Years Ago: 1999

“Area Artists 99” will be featured through March 4; and “North to Freedom: Maine’s Vital Role in the Underground Railroad,” will be featured through Feb. 28, both at L-A College, 51 Westminster St.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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