FARMINGTON — Selectmen on Tuesday night, Feb. 13, moved to pay $66,000 for a skid steer and $49,751.56 for a plow truck for the sewer/wastewater department.

Both vehicles and another plow truck were damaged by flooding during the December rainstorm and deemed total losses, Stephen Millett told selectmen at their Jan. 23 meeting. Selectmen on Jan. 30 authorized spending $57,712.56 to replace one plow truck.

The lift gate and plow on the remaining truck can be salvaged, the dealer will take $9,200 off the price, Millett said.

The town was to receive $19,996 from insurance for the truck, according to information provided later by Town Manager Erica LaCroix.

The only bid [from Chadwick-BaRoss in Bangor] for the skid steer was $66,000 and $13,200 will be coming from insurance for the damaged one, Millett noted. The company was expected to provide a free loaner until the new one is available, he indicated.

The sewer/wastewater department will be paying $128,713.12 to replace the three vehicles, Millett said.


There is $103,000 in the department’s vehicle reserve account and more than $291,000 in the special project reserve account, he noted Wednesday, Feb. 21.

Selectman Joshua Bell confirmed insurance money, when received would go back into those accounts.

“The balance in the special projects reserve is $293,542.95, and the balance in the equipment reserve is $103,806.31,” Farmington Treasurer Tammy Bureau confirmed Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 21.

In other business selectmen:

• Made suggestions for a possible tree ordinance after reviewing two proposed ones.

• Authorized LaCroix to sign the annual service agreement with Franklin County Animal Shelter.

• Approved the application of Katie Fournier to serve on the recreation committee.

• Renewed the on-premises liquor license for Lotus Blossom. It was noted selectmen voted in 2021 to allow the town clerk to handle these renewals and would do so going forward.

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